Seeking God's Way Together
Discernment about the Prayers of Love and Faith
In December 2023 the Prayers of blessing for same sex relationships were made available to be used in existing services in the Church of England. This decision has not been universally welcomed.
In this Diocese, we are being encouraged to engage in a process of discernment before deciding as parishes to actively opt into using these prayers (or not).
On Saturday February 17th 10am-12 there is a facilitated gathering in Christ Church Hall (Park Road) to prayerfully consider this question:
What would opting in, or not opting in, to using the Prayers of Love and Faith mean for us as a Christian community?
All are welcome to come along and join the conversation with each other and with God.
The facilitated conversation was well attended by members of both churches and in the course of the morning, a clear consensus emerged.
This was shared with the and following a further time of prayer and discernment, both PCC's decided in favour of opting in to using the Prayers of Love and Faith.